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Reared in Norfolk, Nebraska, fortunate to have enjoyed the priceless experience of a childhood in Nebraska, and currently residing in Harmony Grove, California, I've met people who have influenced me and informed my writing, at all points in between.


In addition to the indelible imprint left by midwestern sensibilities, life has afforded me stops in the Marine Corps, college, and law school, each of which provided invaluable experiences, friendships, interesting observations on life, and perhaps a few character composites.


After several false starts and wanting to write for a long time, I dove in, thanks to a thoughtful nudge from my wife. I see stories everywhere, or at least ideas for stories; I truly believe a good picture is worth anywhere between 5,000 and 80,000 words, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less 😉


When I'm not writing, I’m reading as often as possible. Being somewhere without a book (or e-reader) in my pocket feels like I’m wasting time. Aside from that, I enjoy college baseball and football, woodworking, movies-watching them, quoting them, etc., live music, and the monumental privilege of being a father and all that that entails.


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